About Us...
Neville & Gilly Spracklen - founders of Pet Care Angels
Neville and Gilly founded Pet Care Angels as a result of the many requests that they received down the years from friends, relatives, business associates and of course the many referrals that occur when the word regarding their services gets around. They both have a passion for animals and animals sense this.

Both Neville & Gilly have run & owned a number of businesses covering many disciplines and know that customer satisfaction and business integrity are the corner stones on which to build a successful operation. Neville and Gilly both have worked in social services operations, Neville was a Social Worker and has a degree majoring in Psychology and Social Work and Gilly has not only worked for a local Veterinarian but has also served in the British Merchant Navy where she was employed to look after passenger needs, which included child and pet oversight on voyages.

Business Goal
The corporate Goal of Pet Care Angels is to provide a proficient and professional pet care service to the greater Orlando area. We know that your pets are very special to you and the only reason that you would choose a pet sitter over placing your pets in a pet boarding establishment, is that you really care and are passionate about your pets.
Neville, Gilly and any staff member employed by the company, are dedicated to allay any apprehensive fears that you might have whist you are away and to give you peace of mind. When you meet with us, you will immediately know that we truly care about pets and that they will receive the best of loving care and personal attention while you are away..

Contact us for more info